Cambo Stables & Glasshouses

Restoration, alteration and extension of exiting Grade B listed Stables block into a visitor experience and cafe. New Installation and builders works to restore existing glasshouse to walled garden. Awards: Scottish Heritage Angel Award 2018 - Commendation DIA Awards 2018: Best Rehab/Regeneration Category - Commendation DIA Awards 2018: Interior Design Award Category - Commendation

Cambo Heritage Trust
£1,902,450.00 (Stables Block) £430,495.00 (Glasshouses)
Quantity Surveyor

Project Info

Restoration, alteration and extension of exiting Grade B listed Stables block into a visitor experience and cafe. New Installation and builders works to restore existing glasshouse to walled garden. Awards: Scottish Heritage Angel Award 2018 - Commendation DIA Awards 2018: Best Rehab/Regeneration Category - Commendation DIA Awards 2018: Interior Design Award Category - Commendation

For further information contact:

Chris Paton BSc (HONS) MRICS
Associate Director